Hi, my name is Oscar - or "No" or "Drop It", depending... I just came to this new household where I have an older sister named Maddie (she's kind of a dominatrix) and a mom and dad. They're pretty cool. My favorite activities are jumping and chewing on anything. (When I say anything, I mean
anything). If it's on the floor, or the coffee tables, it's game. Mom says that picking up my poop is like a treasure hunt. The other day I ate the tag off of some linen for my bed, and she could still read it! I amaze myself. My mom calls me a "corker" (she's into English, Irish and Scottish stuff lately - especially the whiskey!), or a "little shit". But I know she loves me. She bought me a nice collar and tag, and even a new coat which she says is like my cousin Max's. I don't know what a cousin is. I don't know what Max is. But it's a nice coat. She also bought me a stupid reindeer headress - she is harboring a fantasy that Maddie will run around with her Santa hat on, and I will be her reindeer. She has another think coming. But I have to humor her a little since she doesn't have other kids.
I am trying to type this letter, but she says I'm not a very good typist, so mostly I just sit here and try to crawl on the laptop.
I gotta' go, time for some training I think. I mostly have "sit" down, but you know, "sit", "lie down" - whatever!!
1 comment:
Hello to Dia's world from her fellow Real Estate Agent and great friend Betsey Jane! :) I am the one in the red and black wench pirate suit in the Halloween Photo. Dia rocks! She and Sarah came to my new home and we put them to work cleaning up the crap in the yard...not doggie poops! But junk, crap old stuff, bad wood etc...then we lounged around in the hot tub for a while listening to the 80's hairband music like a bunch of 30'somethings that we are!!! :) I think Oscar has his hands full with all the dominating women in his life, he has Maddie, and Lucy my black lab who is just about 6 months old now and towers over his little being! He is a wuss with these women! Now, Dia has gotten him a cage for him to chill and take a break from the girls whenever he needs...Or whenever Mom decides its time for a break!!! :0
I have to run, back to the computer, make some money today if I can!!!! :)
Happy Thanksgiving to all of Dia's loved ones!!! :)
Betsey Jane ;~O
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