Saturday, January 19, 2008

Dogs and Cold

It is SOOOOO cold here in New Mexico. I know, you're sitting in Minnesota thinking, "Sure." But we are freezing. Since we get Maddie practically shaved on a regular basis, it becomes necessary then to bundle her up in the winter. However, lately even her fleece and corduroy coat hasn't been enough - even inside the house (wimp!!). So one evening when she seemed cold, we draped her in a blanket, which she left on until morning.

Meanwhile, while I was getting Maddie groomed recently, I wondered how Oscar would look in a mohawk and goatee.I was going to color the mohawk blue, but changed my mind and decided that his having a mohawk made him seem less "cuddly" and "sweet", so I think I'll get rid of it. I had plans (maybe this summer) of a blue mohawk, a goatee, a black leather collar, a pair of "doggles" and him on the back of my motorcycle. :) What do you think?

Friday, January 11, 2008

Maddie's Life

This shouldn't even be a post, but I couldn't resist commenting that Maddie's only chance to chew on any kind of toy or bone, is when Oscar is trying to hump her. [There may be 6 chew toys in a 3 ft square space, but once Maddie gets one, Oscar is under some kind of instinctual compunction to take it from her] That makes my mind go off in strange places - it's like she's a doggie prostitute. Her payment is the honor of having a half a minute occasionally with one of a dozen chew toys strewn around the room. Does that make you feel sad? Are you laughing?

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Men, Babies, Puppies

Is there anything better? Thought I'd put up a few shots with my dear hubby. :)
In this photo Oscar isn't sure he wants to give up his valuable lap space...
Rachel tries sheer force to win her advantage...

She eventually wins, and all are happy (except Oscar I'm sure).

Monday, January 07, 2008

More pics, but scroll down more!!

Rachel on her birthday wearing a Happy New Year... thing. :) Try not to imagine her when it's both New Year's Eve AND her 21st birthday! Watch out world!!! (ha ha! It'll go by fast!) Me and Rachel sitting at our little party on her birthday.

Family visits New Mexico!

From Dec 29 thru Jan 4, my sister and Jeremy and Rachel came to visit me and Tim here in New Mexico! It was so fun to have them here, for my friends here to meet my family and my family to meet my friends! Actually, the 31st was Rachel's FIRST birthday (!!) so we had a nice family party in the evening following a larger party I hosted for my friends that day. All in all, it was a great week!

Here's Rachel digging into her home-made cake (she started taking off her own shirt before we brought the cake to her, so we thought we'd go with that - she enjoyed destroying and eating that cake!)

My puppies and Rachel spent a lot of time together - I'm sure they miss all the Cheerios she provided! Here is my new little guy, Oscar, helping to clean up the cake - it was like a bomb went off in the cake. :)

Below, I am offering Rachel a beer at the party. Just so you know, she didn't say "No". That concerns me a little. I think I'll have to have a chat with Rachel once she starts talking.