Friday, January 22, 2010

A Year?

Wow, I guess since I've been on FB I have ignored my blog! But it's a good way to keep track of my life events. So how has the past year been? Well... kind of sucky on an economic level. Real estate was pretty much non-existent for me in 2009, so by the time the fall came around, I was planning on substitute teaching for my income. Then suddenly a job was offered to me at a really good elementary school right up the road from where I live! I debated, since I had another job offer for a solid studio teaching job as well (which pays twice as much on a daily basis but lasts only three months). Tough one, but I ended up going with the steadier teaching position. It has been a very difficult adjustment, especially on my body - my immune system isn't used to being bombarded with so many germs! So I am nearly constantly sick, which is quite depressing and just makes it harder to teach and do a good job. But I'm hanging in. Trying to decide what to do with my life after the school year ends. I think real estate isn't a good idea until the economy picks up a bit more; although I did really enjoy it.
Nonetheless, here I am. It's a snow day today - no school! I sit in the near-dark of my living room in the early morning, alone (save for two dogs, two parakeets, a betta fish and a little frog:)) watching the snow come down. And at the moment, I feel content. Two nights ago I wanted to die due to the pain in my head (sinus infection), but things change. Thank God.
I, like many many people, am "economically challenged" which sort of stinks - but I have a roof over my head and food in my tummy and am content if I think of my blessings. Which I need to do much more often.
Happy day to anyone who happens to read this. ;)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Life is Good

Regardless of your political alliances or opinions, if you watched Obama's acceptance speech, I am hoping you cannot disagree with it. Or with the intelligence of the man giving it. And I assume that you will give him your support in every way, including prayers for his well-being and for wisdom in his decisions.

Tim and I are doing well and keeping busy. I am still working a lot on sets and enjoying it, even though it often has involved waking before 5am and driving an hour, working outside in extreme sandstorms, sun, etc and returning after susnset. That's the life!
Here's a photo I'm probably not supposed to post, of an interesting set on a reservation in NM:
Here are some background ladies - gorgeous costumes!
If you can see it, me (center) with Tim (right) and our friend Craig, all wearing same style hats at our favorite bar last weekend.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Plugging Away

Tim and I have just been plugging away working. My RE has been picking up and so has my studio teaching, which is a blast. A great combo! Here are some pics from a TV show I've worked on. There were 4-yr old twin boys and they had to be made up to look dirty because they (one character) were to be the son of some druggies. They were hysterical little kids and a blast to hang out with!

Other than that I've just been stressed for awhile but feeling better now. Same with Tim. No big news or anything going on.

Oh, I read a great book, The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver. You should read it! Ciao!

Wednesday, May 07, 2008


I love to go to the zoo - yes, it's kind of sad, all those animals in small spaces. But I'm not here to get on some kind of moral high horse or enter a discussion on the merits or evils of zoos...
My friend Kelly and I recently went to the zoo, for business, you know... she let me borrow her nice camera with a great zoom lens. Big mistake. But she just knows how much I love it. So let's take a photo tour with Dia. We will begin with the most fascinating, frightening thing I've seen in a long time. The amazing Hippo penis.

Were you aware of this??!! I was not. I was minding my own business, taking ass shots of various animals, when suddenly a snake began to wiggle about the private area of this mighty hippo. Alas, no snake it was! Hmmm... come to find out that hippos generally breed underwater and... well, I think you should look that one up. Go look it up, you know you want to.

Next, the elephant ass. Very similar to the hippo ass actually.

And, the gorilla ass.

And, another one.

He knows I'm taking candid shots, he's just trying to be funny.

Here is the classic polar bear swimming ass shot.

And last butt not least...

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Plural vs. Possessive

Can I just say "AARRRGGGGHHH!" It drives me INSANE to see - on billboards, advertisements, business TITLES (for GOD'S SAKE, how much are you spending on that sign, those business cards, that stationery...), email subject lines, etc - things like "Cowboy's and Angel's: [this being the business title] Floral, Gifts, Candy" or "Chili Hill's Restaurant" (who is this Chili Hill person?) or "Kid's Eat For 99 Cents!"
Now if your going to spend money - oh gee, I mean if you're (as in, "you are") going to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on advertising, maybe you'd better hire someone who is *#!@! literate. Just an idea. Admit your faults, say "I just am not very good at spelling or grammar" - and have someone else proofread!!

Wednesday, April 09, 2008


I worked the last three days in southern NM on a film with Jk Blk (guess or ask me - I'm not typing his funny-ass name because some doof will search for it...), the setting of which was approximately the year zero. Looks like it'll be a funny one, of course - but the best part for me was hanging out with the animal trainers! Here's me with a couple gibbons (the one who I'm holding most is the least amiable of the two gibbons and everyone was shocked she climbed up on me and hugged and hugged me and wouldn't let me go!)

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Sweet Nothings

New Pets!

I was deciding between a reptile of some kind, or a bird. I've always kind of wanted a snake, or a bearded dragon, but I decided on a bird. So one day I walked into Petco empty handed and walked out with a new - beautiful - pet!
Here it is!

Ha ha... they put it in a tiny box for the ride home so I seatbelted it in. Safety first!

I got one blue parakeet first, with plan to hand train it before getting another. But as I was hand-training on the third day and was becoming tired of getting bitten (it actually broke the skin) - I decided birds are to look at, not play with. So I took Tim to Petco and we picked out another one! We just LOVE them! So beautiful and fun! Did you know they are also super cheap and easy to care for?!

Even though we had Sydney, Maddie still stares anxiously at the birds and whines a little - is she wishing they were free so she could hunt them? Hmmm...

Everyone should have parakeets!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Just for Karolina

This is for my Swedish friend, Karolina. :)

Monday, March 24, 2008

Fun Friends

Not much to talk about since last time... I've been working and also having lots of fun! It seems every weekend, and often during the week (I love my job) I am out with friends - parties, mountain biking, shopping, etc...
In the photos below, a bunch of us went to the Bosque del Apache, a wildlife refuge area that is famous for the cranes and other birds (bald eagles, ducks, etc) that pass through. It is south of Albuquerque.

Here I am (below) with Kelly's little dog Henry. He weighs a whopping 4 pounds, but he keeps up with us hiking all day! The photos below are a trail not far from the Bosque - cool rock formations. It was winter, so we wore layers and went from full coats to t-shirts throughout the day.

These (below) are my two friends Kelly (left) and Betsey with me at the Lazy Lizard Grill up here one night when Kelly's husband was playing in a blues band. We had a great time, as you can see! This week it's a trip to the zoo - hoping the weather will be warm enough for our summer dresses.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Dogs and Cold

It is SOOOOO cold here in New Mexico. I know, you're sitting in Minnesota thinking, "Sure." But we are freezing. Since we get Maddie practically shaved on a regular basis, it becomes necessary then to bundle her up in the winter. However, lately even her fleece and corduroy coat hasn't been enough - even inside the house (wimp!!). So one evening when she seemed cold, we draped her in a blanket, which she left on until morning.

Meanwhile, while I was getting Maddie groomed recently, I wondered how Oscar would look in a mohawk and goatee.I was going to color the mohawk blue, but changed my mind and decided that his having a mohawk made him seem less "cuddly" and "sweet", so I think I'll get rid of it. I had plans (maybe this summer) of a blue mohawk, a goatee, a black leather collar, a pair of "doggles" and him on the back of my motorcycle. :) What do you think?

Friday, January 11, 2008

Maddie's Life

This shouldn't even be a post, but I couldn't resist commenting that Maddie's only chance to chew on any kind of toy or bone, is when Oscar is trying to hump her. [There may be 6 chew toys in a 3 ft square space, but once Maddie gets one, Oscar is under some kind of instinctual compunction to take it from her] That makes my mind go off in strange places - it's like she's a doggie prostitute. Her payment is the honor of having a half a minute occasionally with one of a dozen chew toys strewn around the room. Does that make you feel sad? Are you laughing?

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Men, Babies, Puppies

Is there anything better? Thought I'd put up a few shots with my dear hubby. :)
In this photo Oscar isn't sure he wants to give up his valuable lap space...
Rachel tries sheer force to win her advantage...

She eventually wins, and all are happy (except Oscar I'm sure).

Monday, January 07, 2008

More pics, but scroll down more!!

Rachel on her birthday wearing a Happy New Year... thing. :) Try not to imagine her when it's both New Year's Eve AND her 21st birthday! Watch out world!!! (ha ha! It'll go by fast!) Me and Rachel sitting at our little party on her birthday.