I love to go to the zoo - yes, it's kind of sad, all those animals in small spaces. But I'm not here to get on some kind of moral high horse or enter a discussion on the merits or evils of zoos...
My friend Kelly and I recently went to the zoo, for business, you know... she let me borrow her nice camera with a great zoom lens. Big mistake. But she just knows how much I love it. So let's take a photo tour with Dia. We will begin with the most fascinating, frightening thing I've seen in a long time. The amazing Hippo penis.
Next, the elephant ass. Very similar to the hippo ass actually.
And, the gorilla ass.
And, another one.
He knows I'm taking candid shots, he's just trying to be funny.
Here is the classic polar bear swimming ass shot.

And last butt not least...