Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Very Sad Day

Monday, November 06, 2006
Long Time!!
How many ways can I find to humiliate my dog? Does she have a look of humiliation on her face? HA HA HA!!! She's so cute!! She also wears a nice courduroy coat in the mornings when it's cold out. Poor baby.
At the end of October we went hunting for a day with Tim's dad. It was muzzle-loading, which I'm not really into, but it was fun. We had a gorgeous drive as well, through some beautiful mountains. At one point Tim was very close to a buck and took a shot - was sure he had it, but come to find out his sight was nearly ready to fall off! That deer was very lucky! And so we missed out again this year on some great-tasting, healthy, drug-free, inexpensive meat! :( Oh well...
Next time I'm on I will put up pics of our trip, ages ago, to the western part of the state. Unbelievable scenery!!!!! Huge canyons, cool caves, massive lava flows... amazing. When are YOU going to visit?????OOH! I almost forgot! When we were out hunting (the beginning of the day we started out in stuff like this picture, typical NM!), in the area of this photo, I found an arrowhead!!!!!! I found a real, primitive, little white arrowhead! All my life I'm looking on the ground for arrowheads and this day I happened upon one! YEA!!! I was SO excited!!! :)