I was back on "Wild Hogs" Monday and Tuesday in a funky little town about 1/2 hour north of my house, named Madrid. "Names of Actors Here" were all there - of course it was funny. This will be a funny flick. I noticed Tm and Mn hung out and talked between shoots, Bill read, Jn talked to whomever, and Marissa talked to 'locals' -she seemed easy going. A rumor was heard that someone got kicked off the set for talking to Mn - image the gall,
talking to a star. Geez. (I see the others don't mind being treated like a regular human, but I also see that Mn does. If you'd like me to go into detail about Mn's set up, his rig and assistants and etc, you'll have to ask me. It's overboard. And I didn't even know who he was before this!).
Anyway, the main aspect of the days were this: HEAT. The temps both days were slightly over 100 degrees according to my little keychain thermometer. Working outside from 7am-7pm with NO place to get a reprieve, kind of sucked. There were shady areas, thank God, but it was still bad. Tuesday I'd become a little ill from it (I'm not used to that heat yet!), which made it worse. And now my overnights got cancelled - no kids. I'll be back on next week for a few days, unless something changes.
Jn and Tm have big guts. Just thought I'd share that. Also, someone should photograph some of the Madrid residents and make a poster for the Partnership for a Drug-Free America. It would scare a lot of kids away from trying meth.
My hubby Tim says 100 degrees is totally bearable. 105 is okay too. He has a cut-off line of 108. Yeah, at THAT point it gets difficult. Whatever. At night I lie in bed with wet washcloths, perhaps my cold gel pack, and a glass of ice water by the bed. He is under the covers.
Freak. (Kidding! Love you honey!). He'll go to El Paso this week (it's been near 110 I think) and I won't go because we have no air conditioning in any of our five billion cars. Oh well. Maddie and I will stay home, inside, and drink pina coladas and stay very, very still.